Saturday, 27 July 2013

Your Name Is Too English-Sounding

Seventeen year old Xavier Menard of Quebec wants to name his graphic design company "Wellarc" but when he went to register this name, it was rejected for being 'Too English-sounding'.

What is this province coming to?!

This young man is simply trying to better himself by starting his own business. He is smart, driven, and not backing down. He took to YouTube to tell his story, and I, for one, applaud him. This language war effects both Anglophones and Francophones alike, and we will not put up with these ridiculous laws any longer! Like I've said from day one, there is power in numbers, and people are starting to notice that we will not stay quiet about our rights being silenced. 

It seems so much money goes to corrupt mayors, changing signs from English to French, and language police.
 (I know I should technically have capitalized the first letters, there, like this; Language Police, but I refuse to acknowledge that it is an actual position at an actual company as I find it so humiliating that my province has language police...and it's 2013. so there you have it, my own private protest by not using proper capitalization.)

Don't you ever wonder what we could so with all that money? How about fixing some of our awful roads? How about helping out those who need it? (I know Montreal has some wonderful shelters, but imagine, how many more we could help!) How about we all switch places for a day and turn this thing on its head; what if I was the Discrimination Police? And you were all on my team, and together, we scoured this province for forms of unfairness and racism and prejudice...And then handed out fines for it? If you absolutely must fine someone for how they act and/or speak, shouldn't that be the reason?!

Xavier Menard is a fighter, and I respect him. You have my full support, Xavier, and I stand behind you in this fight!

See The CTV news report on him below
Teenaged entrepreneur denounces business-limiting language laws | CTV Montreal News

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